Maharashtra at a glance

Maharashtra's Socio-Economic Indicators Compared With Other States

Indicator Reference Year Maharashtra State Rank Rank 1 State
Geographical area (lakh 2011 3.08 2 Rajasthan(3.42)
Population (lakhs) 2011 1123.74 2 Uttar Pradesh(1998.12)
Density of population (per 2011 365 12 Delhi(11320)
Urban population to total population (%) 2011 45.22 6 Delhi(97.5)
State population to All India population (%) 2011 9.28 2 Uttar Pradesh(16.5)
Decennial growth rate of population (%) 2001-11 16 16 Meghalaya(27.95)
Sex ratio 2011 929 19 Kerala(1084)
Child Sex ratio (Age group 0-6 years) 2011 894 18 Arunachal Pradesh(972)
Total Households (lakh) 2011 244.22 2 Uttar Pradesh(334.48)
Female headed households (lakh) 2011 31.36 2 Uttar Pradesh(40.07)
Number of cultivators (lakh) 2011 125.69 3 Uttar Pradesh(190.58)
Per cent of households having access to safe drinking water 2011 83.4 15 Punjab(97.6)
SC population to total population (%) 2011 11.81 18 Punjab(31.94)
ST population to total population (%) 2011 9.35 16 Mizoram(94.43)
Disabled population to total population (Per cent) 2011 2.64 4 Telangana(2.99)
Slum population (All towns) to urban population (Per cent) 2011 23.32 5 Andhra Pradesh(38.32)
Main workers to total population (%) 2011 38.94 3 Telangana(39.2)
Agricultural workers to total workers (%) 2011 52.71 15 Chhatisgarh(74.68)
Female workers participation rate 2011 31.06 14 Himachal Pradesh(44.82)
SC - Scheduled Castes
ST - Scheduled Tribes
Detailed Report
Indicator Reference Year Maharashtra State Rank Rank 1 State
Literacy € € - Male (%) 2011 88.38 7 Kerala(96.11)
Literacy € € - Female (%) 2011 75.87 8 Kerala(92.07)
Literacy € € - Total (%) 2011 82.34 7 Kerala(94)
Life expectancy at birth - Male (years) 2016-18 71.6 3 Delhi(74.1)
Life expectancy at birth - Female (years) 2016-18 74.3 6 Kerala(78)
Birth Rate 2020 15 18 Bihar(25.5)
Death Rate 2020 5.5 14 Chhatisgarh(7.9)
Infant mortality rate @ 2020 16 15 Madhya Pradesh(43)
Under five Infant mortality rate 2020 18 14 Madhya Pradesh(51)
Neo natal Mortality rate 2020 11 13 Madhya Pradesh(31)
Total Fertility rate 2020 1.5 10 Bihar(3)
Maternal mortality ratio 2020 33 17 Assam(195)
Human Development Index 2019 0.701 8 Kerala(0.766)
* - Provisional
€ € - The literacy rates related to the population aged seven years and above
@ - Infant mortality rates for smaller States and Union Territories are based on three years period 2016-18.
Detailed Report
Indicator Reference Year Maharashtra State Rank Rank 1 State
Per capita revenue receipts of the State 2021-22 28969 16 Arunachal Pradesh(157838)
Share of State’s own Tax Revenue in Total revenue receipts (Per cent) 2021-22 62.7 4 Delhi(80.2)
Per capita share in central taxes 2021-22 3861 26 Arunachal Pradesh(82498)
Per capita grants from centre 2021-22 5546 18 Arunachal Pradesh(55159)
Share of development expenditure in total expenditure (Per cent) 2021-22 61.2 20 Delhi(77.8)
Percentage of revenue deficit (+)/surplus (-) to GSDP 2021-22 1 10 Bihar(5.5)
Percentage of fiscal deficit (+)/surplus (-) to GSDP 2021-22 2.8 20 Bihar(11.4)
Percentage of outstanding liabilities to GSDP 2021-22 18.7 27 Mizoram(55.7)
Per Capita income at current prices*(`) 2021-22 215233 8 Sikkim(472543)
Number of banking offices per lakh population@ 31-3-2022 10.5 18 Goa(41.2)
Per capita deposits@(" + r + ") 31-3-2022 279160 3 Delhi(710208)
Per capita credit@(" + r + ") 31-3-2022 253798 2 Delhi(661837)
Credit -Deposit Ratio (%) 31-3-2022 90.9 5 Andhra Pradesh(138.8)
Share of priority sector advances in total credit of scheduled commercial banks (%) 31-3-2022 38.3 19 Gujarat(56.8)
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana - Total account holders ('000) As on 1st Feb,2022 35524 5 Uttar Pradesh(85708)
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana - Total RuPay cards holders ('000) As on 1st Feb,2022 22150 6 Uttar Pradesh(55632)
Annual Credit Plan#(` Crore) 2022-23 126060 8 Tamil Nadu(289488)
@ Projected population as on 1st March 2020
# Target for agriculture and Allied activities

Detailed Report
Indicator Reference Year Maharashtra State Rank Rank 1 State
No. of establishments per lakh population (6th Economic Census) (2013) 5462 13 Kerala(10043)
Employment in establishment per lakh population (6th Economic Census) (2013) 12914 13 Kerala(20711)
CAGR - Establishment (5th Economic Census) (2005) 4055 15 Kerala(8395)
CAGR - Employment (5th Economic Census) (2005) 10853 13 Delhi(22367)
Detailed Report
Indicator Reference Year Maharashtra State Rank Rank 1 State
Yield per hectare - All cereals (kg.) Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) 1455 29 Punjab(4614)
Yield per hectare - All pulses (kg.) Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) 839 20 Delhi(2000)
Yield per hectare - All foodgrains (kg.) Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) 1208 29 Punjab(4597)
Yield per hectare - All oilseeds (kg.) Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) 1221 9 Tamil Nadu(2427)
Yield per hectare - Cotton (lint) (kg.) Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) 298 12 Punjab(764)
Yield per hectare - Sugarcane (Tonne) (kg.) Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) 84 4 Kerala(116)
Per capita foodgrains production (kg.) 2020-21 127.2 23 Punjab(1005.9)
Consumption of fertilizers per hectare cropped area (kg.) 2019-20 124.8 14 Delhi(252.4)
Gross irrigated area to gross cropped area(%) 2019-20 0 Punjab(98.5)
Net area sown per cultivator (Hectare) 2019-20 1.3 8 Goa(4.1)
Net area sown to total geographical area (%) 2019-20 54.3 6 Punjab(81.9)
Cropping Intensity 2019-20 141 15 Delhi(263.6)
Forest cover+ to total geographical area (%) 2021 16.5 22 Mizoram(84.5)
Tree cover ++ to total geographical area (%) 2021 3.9 5 Delhi(9.9)
Annual Rainfall (mm) 2021 1410.7 15 Goa(3947.2)
Average size of operational holdings(ha) 2015-16 1.34 10 Nagaland(4.87)
+ All Lands, more than 1 ha. in area, with a tree canopy density of more than 10 per cent irrespective of ownership and legal status, it also includes orchards, bamboo and palm.
++ It comprises of tree patches outside the recoded forest area exclusive of forest cover and less than the minimum mappable area (1 ha.)
NA - Not Available * Provisional
# Number of cultivators is based on Census 2011
Detailed Report
Indicator Reference Year Maharashtra State Rank Rank 1 State
Enrolment in primary and secondary schools per thousand population 2021-22 153 15 Meghalaya(270)
Gross Enrolment Ratio (Elementary Level){Std I-VIII} 2021-22 104.31 14 Meghalaya(155.65)
Gross Enrolment Ratio (Secondary Level){Std IX-X} 2021-22 93.65 9 Delhi(111.24)
Gross Enrolment Ratio (Higher Secondary Level){Std XI-XII} 2021-22 71.48 9 Delhi(95.01)
Gross Enrolment Ratio (Higher Education Level) (18-23 years) 2020-21 34.9 11 Delhi(47.6)
Gender Parity Index* (Elementary Level){Classes I-VIII} 2021-22 1.02 5 Assam(1.07)
Gender Parity Index* (Secondary Level){Classes IX-X} 2021-22 0.98 15 Meghalaya(1.24)
Gender Parity Index* (Higher Secondary Level){Classes XI-XII} 2021-22 0.98 17 Meghalaya(1.34)
Gender Parity Index* (Higher Education Level){18-23 years} 2020-21 0.92 19 Kerala(1.52)
Pupil - Teacher Ratio - Primary schools 2021-22 25 8 Bihar(53)
Pupil - Teacher Ratio - Upper Primary Schools 2021-22 26 3 Delhi(32)
Pupil - Teacher Ratio - Secondary schools 2021-22 20 7 Bihar(54)
Pupil - Teacher Ratio - Higher secondary schools 2021-22 38 3 Bihar(62)
Drop out rates@@* Primary Level (Classes I-V) Boys 2021-22 0.04 17 Manipur(13.54)
Drop out rates@@* Primary Level (Classes I-V) Girls 2021-22 0 16 Manipur(12.96)
Drop out rates@@* Upper Primary Level (Classes VI-VIII) Boys 2021-22 1.47 19 Meghalaya(12.04)
Drop out rates@@* Upper Primary Level (Classes VI-VIII) Girls 2021-22 1.6 18 Meghalaya(9.4)
Drop out rates@@* Secondary Level (Classes IX-X) Boys 2021-22 10.81 17 Odisha(29.22)
Drop out rates@@* Secondary Level (Classes IX-X) Girls 2021-22 10.61 14 Odisha(25.24)
Average number of Teachers per school* 2021-22 6.8 11 Delhi(27)
Female Teachers* (Per cent) 2021-22 48.41 18 Goa(80.51)
@@ Based on Educational stage * Provisional
Detailed Report
Indicator Reference Year Maharashtra State Rank Rank 1 State
Annual Survey of Industries - Factories(No.) 2019-20 25610 3 Tamil Nadu(38837)
Annual Survey of Industries -Workers 2019-20 1455 3 Tamil Nadu(2209)
Annual Survey of Industries - Gross output Per Worker 2019-20 8522 7 Odisha(11853)
Annual Survey of Industries -Net value added Per Worker 2019-20 1223 6 Sikkim(5404)
Employed persons # - Rural (%) 2020-21 46.5 10 Sikkim(64.8)
Employed persons # - Urban (%) 2020-21 36.7 14 Sikkim(49.3)
Unemployment Rate # - Rural 2020-21 2.2 19 Nagaland(17.8)
Unemployment Rate # - Urban 2020-21 6.5 16 Nagaland(24)
Labour force participation Rate# - Rural 2020-21 47.5 9 Sikkim(65.2)
Labour force participation Rate# - Urban 2020-21 39.2 13 Bihar(27.5)
# Data based on Annual Report – Periodic Labour Force Survey, (July 2018- June 2019)
Detailed Report
Indicator Reference Year Maharashtra State Rank Rank 1 State
Installed capacity of electricity per lakh population *(MW) 31-03-2022 29.88@ 12 Sikkim(136.59)
Per capita generation of electricity *(kwh.) 2021-22 1053.41$ 8 Sikkim(5993.91)
Aggregate Technical & Commercial Losses* (Per cent) 2020-21 25.54 14 Nagaland(60.39)
Annual Per capita consumption of electricity* - Total (kwh.) 2021-22 1010.2 11 Goa(2631.85)
Annual Per capita consumption of electricity* - Domestic (kwh.) 2021-22 245.6 12 Goa(818.57)
Annual Per capita consumption of electricity* - Industrial (kwh.) 2021-22 427 8 Goa(1419.38)
Annual Per capita consumption of electricity* - Agriculture (kwh.) 2021-22 289.9 6 Telangana(585.97)
* Provisional
@ MAHAGENCO, Tata power Co.Ltd., Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd., MEDA, Central Electricity Authority
$ MAHAGENCO, Tata power Co. Ltd., Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd., MAHADISCOM, Central Electricity Authority
Detailed Report
Indicator Reference Year Maharashtra State Rank Rank 1 State
Motor vehicles per lakh population* (No.) 31-03-2020 30482 9 Goa(93746)
Total road length per hundred sq. km. of area* (km.) 31-03-2019 207 11 Delhi(1090)
Railway route length per hundred sq. km. of area* (km) 31-03-2022 1.9 13 Delhi(12.38)
Teledensity - Wireline 30-9-2022 3.61 6 Delhi(17.59)
Teledensity - Wireless 30-9-2022 97.94 12 Delhi(183.86)
Total Internet subscribers per 100 population 30-9-2022 79.81 9 Delhi(202.19)
Mean age at effective marriage(females) 2020 23.7 3 Delhi(24.4)
Per cent of children fully immunised 2017-18 58.6 18 Manipur(75.1)
Crimes against women (no.) 2021 39526 3 Uttar Pradesh(56083)
Crimes against children (no.) 2021 17261 2 Madhya Pradesh(19173)
Number of fair price shops/ration shops per lakh population 2022-23 43 16 Sikkim(191)
Population below poverty line (Per cent) 2011-12 17.35 14 Chhatisgarh(39.93)
Percentage of households having access to latrine facility 2011 66 14 Delhi(96.7)
Multi-dimensional Poverty Index 2021 0.065 17 Bihar(0.265)
* - Provisional
Detailed Report